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Liv.52 drop® Caper Bush , Chicory

Rostlinné Produkty, HIV

Liv 52 drop®, also called Liv.52 CH® - a well-known hepatoprotective. Liv.52 protects the liver when taking liver-toxic medicine or alcohol. Contains herbs like Chicory, that protect the liver.

BaleníÚspora Pomocí láhev Cena Objednat
60ml × 3 lahveKč 411.47Kč 160.53 Kč 481.58 Přidat do košíku
60ml × 2 lahveKč 205.73Kč 194.81 Kč 389.63 Přidat do košíku
60ml × 1 lahvičkaKč 297.68 Kč 297.68 Přidat do košíku

Liv 52 drop®

What is this herbal product?

Liv 52 drop®, also called Liv.52 CH® - a well-known hepatoprotective. Liv.52 protects the liver when taking liver-toxic medicine or alcohol. Contains herbs like Chicory, that protect the liver.


Hepatoprotective action: The natural ingredients in Liv.52 exhibit potent hepatoprotective properties against infective hepatitis.

Improves appetite: In less than optimal growth and weight gain, Liv.52 normalizes the basic appetite-satiety rhythm. As a daily health supplement, Liv.52 improves appetite, digestion and assimilation processes and promotes weight gain.


  • For the prevention and treatment of infective hepatitis and loss of appetite.

Key ingredients:

Ayurveda texts and modern research back the following facts:

The Caper Bush (Himsra) contains p-methoxy benzoic acid, which is a potent hepatoprotective. It prevents the elevation of malondialdehyde (biomarker for oxidative stress) levels in plasma and hepatic cells. Caper Bush also inhibits the ALT and AST enzyme levels and improves the functional efficiency of the liver and spleen. Flavonoids present in the Caper Bush exhibit significant antioxidant properties, as well.

Chicory (Kasani) is a potent antioxidant, which can be seen by its free radical scavenging property. The hepatoprotective property of Chicory suppresses the oxidative degradation of DNA in tissue debris.

Directions for use:

Please consult your physician to prescribe the dosage that best suits the condition.

Available as drops.

Side effects:

Liv.52 is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.


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    Odpověď je ano a navíc jsem byl překvapený, jak rychle mi zboží domů dorazilo. Za pouhých 10 dní!
    K otázce č. 2: Splnily léky moje očekávání?
    Odpověď je zase ano! Jsem také velice nadšený Vašimi webovými stránkami, kde je popsáno všechno, co se týká objednání zboží mimo USA, kvality léků vyráběných v indických laboratořích, nebo je možné zde najít čísla, na které mohu volat v případě, že se má zásilka pozdrží na celním úřadě. Stejně tak je skvělé, že objednání zboží je velmi jednoduché. - Jirka

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