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Softas Max Soap® Aloe Vera

Zdraví Zvířat

Intas Softas® Max Antifungální mýdlo je ideální mýdlo pro léčbu kožních infekcí způsobených růstem plísní. Speciálně vytvořené mýdlo jemně zbaví vašeho mazlíčka sucha nebo svědění způsobeného plísňovými infekcemi a při dlouhodobém používání zabraňuje návratu infekce.

BaleníÚspora Pomocí kousek Cena Objednat
75g × 5 kusyKč 4822.65Kč 528.47 Kč 2642.34 Přidat do košíku
75g × 4 kusyKč 3559.52Kč 603.12 Kč 2412.48 Přidat do košíku
75g × 3 kusyKč 2296.39Kč 727.54 Kč 2182.61 Přidat do košíku
75g × 2 kusyKč 1033.26Kč 976.37 Kč 1952.74 Přidat do košíku
75g × 1 kousekKč 1493.00 Kč 1493.00 Přidat do košíku

Softas Max Anti Fungal Soap

What is this product

Intas Softas Max Anti Fungal Soap is an ideal soap to manage skin infections caused due to fungal growth. The specially formulated soap gently relieves your pet of the dryness or the itching caused by fungal infections and with use over a period of time prevents the infection from coming back.


  • Prevents dry skin and fungal infections.
  • Promotes a soft skin and shiny fur.
  • Do not use on cats; The formula contains permetrin and can be poisnous if swallowed.
  • Keep the shampoo out of reach of children and away from consumables.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
  • For animal use only.
  • Not for human use.
  • Prevents dry skin and fungal infections.
  • Promotes soft skin and shiny fur.
  • Manage skin infections caused due to fungal growth.
  • Relieves your pet of the dryness or the itching caused by fungal infections.


  • Permethrin - 2%w/w;
  • Miconazole nitrate - 2%;
  • Excipients - 100%
Quantity – 75 mg

Directions for use:

  • Wet dog thoroughly with warm water.
  • Apply Softas soap liberally to work up a rich lather.
  • Avoid contact with sensitive regions such as eyes and ears.
  • Allow soap to remain in the coat for 5 - 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with water


  • Not for cats.
  • The soap contains formula permethrin, which is poisonous if swallowed.
  • Keep the shampoo out of reach of children and away from consumables.
  • Wash hands after use.
  • Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
  • For animal use only.
  • Not for human use.


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