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Zinconia® Zinc

Doplňky A Vitamíny, Zdraví žen

Zinconia® tablet is a nutritional supplement which provides support in cardiac, tubercular, rheumatic and diabetic patients as well as those suffering from acute and chronic diseases. It mainly aids the absorption of calcium within the body. It helps in boosting the process of recovery from respiratory disorders. The tablet is utilized in treating all immune deficiency disorders. It also useful in facilitating the method of wound healing.

BaleníÚspora Pomocí tableta Cena Objednat
50mg × 120 tabletyKč 1099.92Kč 9.19 Kč 1102.22 Přidat do košíku
50mg × 90 tabletyKč 721.79Kč 10.33 Kč 929.82 Přidat do košíku
50mg × 60 tabletyKč 412.61Kč 11.47 Kč 688.46 Přidat do košíku
50mg × 30 tabletyKč 18.35 Kč 550.54 Přidat do košíku

Zinconia Tablet

What is this product?

Zinconia Tablet is an advanced formula of high concentration of Zinc. Zinc is very important for boosting immunity. Zinconia tablets can be used as a nutritional supplement as they aid the absorption of calcium in the body.

Key Benefits:

• Zinconia can be used in treating all immune deficiency disorders
• It is useful in facilitating the process of wound-healing
• Zinconia helps provide nutritional support in cardiac, diabetic, tubercular and rheumatic patients as well as those suffering from acute and chronic diseases
• It helps in boosting the process of recovery from respiratory disorders

Directions For Use:

Use as directed by the physician.

Safety Information:

• Read the label carefully before use
• Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight
• Keep out of reach of the children


  • Ahoj,
    jen Vám chci moc poděkovat za Vaše rychlé a skvělé služby... Tablety mi dorazily v rámci uvedeného termínu dodání. Psal jsem i na Vaši adresu, ale nevím, zda můj dopis dorazil...
    S přátelskými pozdravy... a šťastného Valentýna z Prahy... - Daniel

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