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  • Himcal Pet Suspension
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Himcal Pet Suspension® Phosphorous , Calcium

Zdraví Zvířat

Himcal for pets contains calcium and phosphorus derived from oyster shell. Calcium and phosphorus are present in the ratio of 1: 0. 8 as recommended by association of american feed control officials (Aafco). Himcal pet is quickly absorbed and utilized inside the body. Its unique milky flavor is well-liked by pets. It provides bone density and strength.

BaleníÚspora Pomocí láhev Cena Objednat
200ml × 5 lahveKč 5167.46Kč 574.44 Kč 2872.21 Přidat do košíku
200ml × 4 lahveKč 3674.46Kč 689.32 Kč 2757.28 Přidat do košíku
200ml × 3 lahveKč 2549.25Kč 758.18 Kč 2274.55 Přidat do košíku
200ml × 2 lahveKč 1263.13Kč 976.37 Kč 1952.74 Přidat do košíku
200ml × 1 lahvičkaKč 1607.93 Kč 1607.93 Přidat do košíku

HimCal Pet Suspension

What is this product?

Formulated with palatable milky flavor, Him cal constitutes calcium and phosphorus in the ratio of 1:0.8 derived from oyster shells. It also acts as an adjuvant in therapy for rickets. Him Cal is somehow quickly absorbed and utilized inside the body so it shows immediate response after the use.
Him Cal is a natural calcium and phosphorus supplement that promotes bone density and strength of the dogs. It is responsible for the prevention of milk fever post whelping in pets during the lactation period. Him Cal can be given through the oral route or can be mixed with food.


  • Best for optimal bone development in pets
  • Responsible for formation of strong bones and teeth in adult dogs
  • Synthesizes protein in the body
  • Natural calcium and phosphorus supplement

Dosage Recommendation:

  • For puppies and small dogs: 5-10 ml twice daily
  • For adults and large dogs: 10-20 ml twice daily


200 ml


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