Liv 52 drop®, also called Liv.52 CH® - a well-known hepatoprotective. Liv.52 protects the liver when taking liver-toxic medicine or alcohol. Contains herbs like Chicory, that protect the liver.
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Liv.52 DS is a double strength hepatospecific formulation, designed for the treatment and management of liver disorders.
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Himalaya Liv. 52 is a supplement that is meant to stimulate metabolism and promote growth in your pup. It increases your pet’s appetite and protects their liver from chemicals, drugs, and toxins. It also promoted the regeneration of liver cells and promoted protein building in them.
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jen Vám chci moc poděkovat za Vaše rychlé a skvělé služby... Tablety mi dorazily v rámci uvedeného termínu dodání. Psal jsem
i na Vaši adresu, ale nevím, zda můj dopis dorazil...
S přátelskými pozdravy... a šťastného Valentýna z Prahy...
- Daniel