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Iopaint® Povidone-lodine

Zdraví Zvířat

Venky's Iopaint antimicrobial spray is a solution of povidone and iodine. It is used for the preparation of the skin for aseptic surgery as an antiseptic for wounds, for dressing cuts, burns, lacerations and abrasions, and post-operative dressings.

BaleníÚspora Pomocí sprej Cena Objednat
5% 200ml × 5 sprejeKč 4937.59Kč 551.46 Kč 2757.28 Přidat do košíku
5% 200ml × 4 sprejeKč 3628.48Kč 631.85 Kč 2527.41 Přidat do košíku
5% 200ml × 3 sprejeKč 2319.38Kč 765.85 Kč 2297.54 Přidat do košíku
5% 200ml × 2 sprejeKč 1010.27Kč 1033.84 Kč 2067.67 Přidat do košíku
5% 200ml × 1 sprejKč 1538.97 Kč 1538.97 Přidat do košíku

Iopaint Antimicrobial Spray

Venky's Iopaint antimicrobial spray is a solution of povidone and iodine. It is used for the preparation of the skin for aseptic surgery as an antiseptic for wounds, for dressing cuts, burns, lacerations and abrasions, and post-operative dressings.


  • Povidone-lodine I.P. 5% w/v (0.5% w/v available lodine)
  • Purified water I.P Q.S.


Preparation of skin for aseptic surgery.
Antiseptic for wounds.
For dressing of cuts & abrasions.

Directions for use:

Do not dilute.
Apply full strength as often as needed.
Use as paint or wet soak.


  • Ahoj, moc Vám děkuji,
    má objednávka dorazila bez jakýchkoliv problémů minulý týden, účinky jsou fajn... nyní se své přítelkyni věnuji ještě častěji. - Díky

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