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Genericky Spinach - Sensitive Toothpaste, Coumadin, Sucrafil Suspension, Super Vegiehills

  • Sensitive Toothpaste®

    Sensitive Toothpaste

    Sensitive Toothpaste® - a refreshing, herbal toothpaste for complete dental care that tightens gums, checks swelling, gum bleeding, prevents toothache and decay and controls bad breath.
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    Kč 267.80
  • Coumadin


    Generic Coumadin is used for treating or preventing blood clots that may occur in the veins and lungs. It is used to treat or prevent blood clots that may occur because of a certain type of abnormal heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) or heart valve replacement. It is also used to reduce the risk of death, recurring heart attack, or blood clotting events (eg, stroke) after a heart attack.
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    Kč 11.49
  • Sucrafil® Suspension

    Sucrafil Suspension

    Sucrafil Suspension® - sirup bez cukru, se používá k léčbě vředů v žaludku a střevě. Obsahuje účinnou látku sukralfát, která podporuje hojení vředů tím, že na nich vytváří povlak, který působí jako fyzická bariéra.
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    Kč 344.42
  • Super Vegiehills®

    Super Vegiehills

    Green veggie formula contains: Spinach which is a rich source of dietary fiber as well as Iron which helps to treat anemia; Beet Root & Carrot containing beta-carotenes which act as the excellent tonic for eyes, skin and nerves.This formula may help to increase hemoglobin level; Cabbage contains antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties which may help enhance immunity; Methi seeds contain anti-lipidemic properties which may help to control cholesterol levels.
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    Kč 5.10


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    S termínem dodání jsem taktéž velmi spokojený. - Michal

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