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Genericky Omega 6 - Omegaplus, Allermyl, Nutricoat Advance, Nutricoat

  • Omega Plus®


    Omega Plus Syrup is a synergistic blend of essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals to promote healthy skin and coat enriched with saw palmetto. It is suggested for non-specific alopecia, dermatic conditions, improving coat of show animals, and external and internal inflammation.
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    Kč 1493.77
  • Allermyl®


    Allermyl Shampoo is a soothing shampoo for cats and dogs who have sensitive and itchy skin. Allermyl contains vitamin E to help minimize damage caused by irritation and essential fatty acids to help repair skin. Contains Skin Lipid Complex which helps to reinforce cutaneous integrity and helps to maintain epidermal barrier function.
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    Kč 1401.97
  • Nutri-Coat Advance®

    Nutricoat Advance

    Pet Care Nutri-Coat Advance is a scientifically designed feed supplement that is a blend of the most active form of essential fatty acids including Omega 3, Omega 6, EPA & DHA. It can also be used as an efficient medicine against Pyoderma, Mange, Yeast infection, Flea Bite Dermatitis, Atopy, and most other types of fungal skin infections.
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    Kč 873.27
  • Nutri-Coat®


    Nutri-Coat Palatable Tonic Is a nutritional coat & skin conditioner that helps to correct all types of skin and coat conditions like a dull coat, flaky skin, excess shedding, and scratching caused by deficient diets. Enriched with Omega-3 & Omega-6 Fatty Acids.
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    Kč 804.31


  • Má objednávka přišla přesně v uvedenou dobu a pilulky fungují skvěle. Má žena Vám děkuje, já Vám děkuji, naše postel Vám děkuje, pokoj, povlečení... - Pavel

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