Hiowna-jr Chocolate® - balanced nutritional supplement to improve physical, mental and immune development in children.
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Hiowna-jr Vanilla® - balanced nutritional supplement to improve physical, mental and immune development in children.
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Diabecon is an ayurvedic blend of over 30 herbs and minerals and provides gentle and safe glycemic control. It promotes glucose utilization and helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. It helps maintain healthy triglycerides and cholesterol levels. Diabecon supports healthy pancreatic functions and promotes beta cell regeneration. The main function of the pancreas is to produce insulin in just the right amount to maintain constant glucose levels in the body. Beta cells in the pancreas are responsible for producing insulin.
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Má objednávka přišla přesně v uvedenou dobu a pilulky fungují skvěle. Má žena Vám děkuje, já Vám děkuji, naše postel Vám děkuje, pokoj, povlečení... - Pavel