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Genericky Kadha - Trimohills, Detoxilhills

  • Trimohills®


    Trimohills offers one of the best ways to lose weight with its beneficial content. This weight loss supplement is an Ayurvedic formulation of Shuddha Guggul, Triphala, Trikatu, Trimad, and Vrikshamla. Additionally, these weight loss tablets collectively exert antioxidant, detoxifying, anti-lipidemic, digestive etc. medicinal properties. Thus, with these appropriate medicinal properties, this trimohills supports healthy digestion and may eliminate toxic substances from the body. Moreover, this weight loss supplement may support colon cleansing and thus promotes healthy detoxification.
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    Kč 4.59
  • Detoxilhills®


    Detoxhills Tablets are synergistically selected and blended together to form easy to swallow tablets. It may help in gently cleansing and detoxifying the liver, colon and the whole body. It may also help in managing constipation, flushing out toxins, and may improve the digestion. It may also help in enhancing the immune system. Additionally, these palatable tablets may encourage the whole-body detox and increase the energy levels. These tablets may help in healthy detoxification and thus aid in digestion. It also supports normal bowel functioning.
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    Kč 4.08


  • Vážení,

    zboží, které jsem si objednal 19. května, mi přišlo během 7 dní, absolutně perfektní servis. Můžete si být jistí, že až si budu chtít objednat další pilulky, tak se určitě zase obrátím na Vás. O Vašich skvělých službách řeknu i svým přátelům.

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