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Genericky Jeera - Detoxilhills, Digeshills, Haritaki Vegie

  • Detoxilhills®


    Detoxhills Tablets are synergistically selected and blended together to form easy to swallow tablets. It may help in gently cleansing and detoxifying the liver, colon and the whole body. It may also help in managing constipation, flushing out toxins, and may improve the digestion. It may also help in enhancing the immune system. Additionally, these palatable tablets may encourage the whole-body detox and increase the energy levels. These tablets may help in healthy detoxification and thus aid in digestion. It also supports normal bowel functioning.
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    Kč 4.08
  • Digeshills®


    Healthy digestive system ayurvedic formulation Digeshills has the carminative & bowel cleansing properties of Haritaki, Triphala, Belgarba gently cleanses the intestinal walls ensuring regular bowel movements. Antioxidant & digestive properties of Ajma, Jeera, Chitrak, Indrajav detoxifies the digestive toxins and thus aid digestion & metabolism. Also effective on associated problems like gas, acidity & flatulence.
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    Kč 4.08
  • Haritaki Vegie®

    Haritaki Vegie

    Haritaki has active ingredient tannin which stimulates evacuation of the bowels- can be defined as a mild form of laxative action. It may help improve digestion, promote the absorption of nutrients, and regulate colon function.This has been backed up with numerous modern scientific studies demonstrating the positive effect of its component herb to provide astringent, laxative, anti oxidant and rejuvenative effect.
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    Kč 4.59


  • Vážení,

    zboží, které jsem si objednal 19. května, mi přišlo během 7 dní, absolutně perfektní servis. Můžete si být jistí, že až si budu chtít objednat další pilulky, tak se určitě zase obrátím na Vás. O Vašich skvělých službách řeknu i svým přátelům.

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