Honey and cream soap® is enriched with the goodness of milk that nourishes and moisturizes, and extracts of Honey that soothe and hydrate, Cream & Honey Soap keeps skin soft and supple.
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Koflet Syrup® - an Ayurvedic cough reliever, made from a numer of well known herbs in Ayurveda, like Tulasi and Vasaka. The herbal is also credited with immunity boosting properties.
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Himalaya's Natural Intensive Lip Balm® heals sore and cracked lips, especially during the winter months. Herbal ingredients like Apple Seed Oil, Olive Oil, Almond Oil and Winter Cherry combine to protect your lips against drying. Honey moisturizes, and gives lips extra protection to keep them hydrated.
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Oil Clear Lemon Face Wash® - is a soap-free, herbal formulation that gently cleanses your face and removes excess oil. Blended with Lemon, an astringent and cooling agent, and Honey, which has natural, deep cleansing properties, the face wash leaves your skin clean without feeling dry and stretched. Key ingredients: Lemon has an overall soothing and relaxing effect. Citric acid present in lemon lightens and softens your skin. It also helps fade freckles, age spots and eliminates blackheads. Lemon removes grime and dirt and leaves your skin supple and smooth. Honey is very beneficial for the skin as it can attract water to maintain moisture as well as provide nourishment to the skin. It is also a natural antiseptic as it contains antimicrobial agents that kill bacteria.
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Oil Control Lemon Foaming Face Wash® is a soap-free, herbal formulation that gently cleanses your face and removes excess oil. Blended with Lemon, an astringent and cooling agent, and Honey, which has natural, deep cleansing properties, the face wash leaves your skin clean without feeling dry and stretched.
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Deep Cleansing Apricot Face Wash® gently removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores to reveal softer and smoother skin. It eliminates blackheads and prevents the recurrence of acne.
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Nesina (alogliptin) se používá se správnou dietou a cvičebním programem ke kontrole vysoké hladiny cukru v krvi u lidí s diabetem 2. typu. Kontrola vysoké hladiny cukru v krvi pomáhá předcházet poškození ledvin, slepotě, nervovým problémům, ztrátě končetin a problémům se sexuální funkcí. Správná kontrola diabetu může také snížit riziko srdečního infarktu nebo mrtvice.
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Himalaya Ophthacare eye drops contain a mixture of Honey and Persian Rose. Honey acts as an effective anti-inflammatory agent which has a soothing effect on the eyes. Persian Rose has unique cooling properties and helps in treating eye strain as well as computer vision syndrome.
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Shatavari regulates hormonal secretion and acts as a galactogogue in nursing women. Researchers at the Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, the University of Pune, India, also found Shatavari to be supportive of normal lymphocyte levels and immune system function.
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