Clarina Anti-Acne Cream has antimicrobial, astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-scar, and antioxidant properties that keeps acne at bay.
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Clarina Anti-Acne Face Mask® contains natural form of salicylic acid - a keratolytic & comedolytic agent. Contains the goodness of herbs like Turmeric and Neem.
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Сlarina Anti-Acne Face Wash gel® prevents excess sebum production and addresses the root cause of acne. It is enriched with herbal ingredients.
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Clarina Anti-Acne kit® prevents excess sebum production and addresses the root cause of acne. It is enriched with herbal ingredients.
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Dobré ráno,
generická V je přesně taková, jakou jsem čekal, díky ní je vše ještě lepší než dříve
a cena je po celou dobu stejná. Pocity úzkosti jsou pryč!
Moc Vám děkuji za Vaši pomoc.
- S pozdravem, Martin