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Genericky Carbidopa levodopa - Sinemet, Sinemet Cr, Stalevo

  • Sinemet


    Generic Sinemet is used for treating symptoms associated with Parkinson disease and parkinsonism-like symptoms caused by other conditions.
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    Kč 13.20
  • Sinemet CR

    Sinemet Cr

    Generic Sinemet Controlled-Release is used for treating symptoms associated with Parkinson disease and parkinsonism-like symptoms caused by other conditions.
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    Kč 21.99
  • Stalevo


    LEVODOPA is converted to a chemical called dopamine (DOE pa meen) in the brain. Symptoms of Parkinson's disease may be caused by low levels of dopamine in the brain. CARBIDOPA helps prevent the breakdown of levodopa before it can reach the brain and take effect. ENTACAPONE increases levels of levodopa in the body. The combination of carbidopa, entacapone, and levodopa is used to treat Parkinson symptoms such as muscle stiffness, tremors, spasms, and poor muscle control.
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    Kč 28.09


  • Děkuji Vám za vyřízení objednávky, pilulky mi dorazily a už jsem měl i možnost je vyzkoušet. Jsem šťastný a stejně tak i má přítelkyně.
    Díky - DN

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