Used in Ayurveda for centuries, BRAHMI (Bacopa/Bacopa monnieri) supports normal mental function, intellect, consciousness and spirit. According to the Alternative Medicine Review (March 2004), ‘Recent research has focused primarily on Bacopa's cognitive effects, specifically memory learning and concentration, and results support the traditional Ayurvedic claims.’ Brahmi is a nervine tonic that enhances learning, academic performance and improves mental ability.
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Ayurvedic Formulation For Stress Relief, Calmhills, has the anti-stress, analgesic properties of Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Mandukparnee which help to reduce stress, anxiety
May help relieve nervousness, restlessness & calm the nerves. The neuro-protective properties of Jatamansi may act as a good support to mental health. It may support improved sleep quality. It may act as an excellent stress buster.
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Mentat Syrup® - a brain tonic made from potent Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, known to relive anxiety and induce calmness. It also improves mental concentration and alertness.
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Migrahills may have the analgesic & anti-inflammatory properties of Godanti Bhasma & Dashmoola which help to control a headache. The antacid properties of Sajjiskshar may control hyperacidity, which causes Migraine. The nootropic properties of Brahmi & Shankhushpi may help control the nervous system & brain activity. It also helps in keeping the mind calm and stress-free.
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Ayurvedic Memory Booster Smrutihills has the revitalising & memory stimulant properties of Brahmi, Jyotishmati, Mandukparni which may help revitalize the nerve and brain cells. It may help enhance memory, concentration, intelligence. Antistress & immuno-stimulant properties of Shankhpushpi & Guduchi may help reduce stress, anxiety & improves intelligence power of retention & memory.
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generická V je přesně taková, jakou jsem čekal, díky ní je vše ještě lepší než dříve
a cena je po celou dobu stejná. Pocity úzkosti jsou pryč!
Moc Vám děkuji za Vaši pomoc.
- S pozdravem, Martin