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Genericky Ascorbic acid - Salicylic Acid, Derma Strength, Glycoflex, Vitamin C

  • Salicylic acid

    Salicylic Acid

    Kyselina salicylová je keratolytikum (látka změkčující rohovou vrstvu pokožky). Kyselina salicylová podporuje odstranění a změkčení zrohovatělé vrstvy kůže. Užívá se při léčbě akné, lupů, seborei nebo lupénky a k odstranění mozolů, zatvrdlé kůže a bradavic.
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    Kč 459.51
  • Derma Strength®

    Derma Strength

    These chewable tabs are recommended by veterinarians in case of food and environmental sensitivities or allergies in dogs & cats to support their skin health. It supports the immune system response and circulation, aids in tissue recovery, and provides support during allergy season.
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    Kč 42.52
  • GlycoFlex®


    GlycoFlex Classic for Dogs products are comprehensive formulas for the support of joint and connective tissue functions in dogs at any stage of life. Because age‚ breed‚ diet‚ lifestyle‚ injury‚ and stress can affect the health of any joint’s structure and function.
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    Kč 41.37
  • Vitamin C

    Vitamin C

    Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) occurs naturally in foods such as citrus fruit, tomatoes, potatoes, and leafy vegetables. Vitamin C is important for bones and connective tissues, muscles, and blood vessels. Vitamin C also helps the body absorb iron, which is needed for red blood cell production.
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    Kč 5.74


  • Dostal jsem objednané zboží.
    Má objednávka byla vyřízena velice rychle.
    S termínem dodání jsem taktéž velmi spokojený. - Michal

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