100% Certified Organic Moringa Leaf Powder from Organic India is an ideal way to give your healthy diet a major enhancement. All that nourishment has been concentrated into a convenient drink mix. Consider this - when you compare Moringa to other foods - it contains more Vitamin B12 than steak, more calcium than cow's milk and more vitamin A than eggs.
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Moringa® is also used to reduce swelling, increase sex drive (as an aphrodisiac), prevent pregnancy, boost the immune system, and increase breast milk production. Some people use it as a nutritional supplement or tonic. Moringa contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals. As an antioxidant, it seems to help protect cells from damage.
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Moringa helps boost overall energy level, helps increase stamina and vitality and can help to naturally restore essential vitamin and mineral imbalance.
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Tisztelt Uram,
A 2006. május 19-én leadott rendelésem hét napon belül megérkezett, eléggé lehengerlő a kiszolgálás.
Biztosíthatom arról, hogy további rendelés esetén rögvest kapcsolatba lépek Önnel, és barátaimnak is mesélni fogok
a kiváló szolgáltatásukról.
- Balázs