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Arthrohills® Nirgundee , Methi , Sunthee , Shallaki...

Herbal Products, Csontritkulás

Arthrohills (Ayurvedic joint care supplements) is an effective natural supplements for arthritis, osteoarthritis and joint pains, which are the leading cause in old people suffering.

CsomagolásMegtakarítás Per kapszula Ár Megrendelés
1mg × 180 kapszulákFt 39539.10Ft 122.22 Ft 21998.78 Kosárhoz ad
1mg × 120 kapszulákFt 23429.90Ft 146.63 Ft 17595.36 Kosárhoz ad
1mg × 60 kapszulákFt 7687.65Ft 213.75 Ft 12824.98 Kosárhoz ad
1mg × 30 kapszulákFt 341.88 Ft 10256.31 Kosárhoz ad

Arthrohills Soft Capsules

What is Arthrohills?

Arthrohills (Ayurvedic joint care supplements) is an effective natural supplements for arthritis, osteoarthritis and joint pains, which are the leading cause in old people suffering. Additionally, it contains herbal actives, which blended in medicated cow ghee that may help to reduce the risk of bone complications. Arthrohills capsules is an Ayurvedic formulation of Nirgundee, Methi, Sunthee, Shallaki, Maharasnadi, Dashmooladi, Chopchinee, Shuddha Guggul, Shuddha Laksha, Asthishrunkhala. Additionally, Herbalhills uses Cow Ghee in this formulation, which may exert adaptogenic, analgesic, antiarthritic, anti-inflammatory property. Furthermore, each capsule contains 500 mg of herbal extract blended which benefits for bones, muscles.


  • Arthrohills joint care formula has an Anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic & analgesic properties of Nirgundi, Methi, Maharasnadi & Dashmooladi may help in reducing joint pain, knee pain, swellings, and inflammations.
  • Sunthee has potent anti-inflammatory compound gingerols, which may help in reducing inflammation & may control arthritic pain.
  • The bio-active constituents of Guggul may help to relieve pain & inflammation associated with joint disorders.
  • All the ingredients in Arthrohills capsules may help improve joint mobility & strengthen muscles & ligaments.


  • Nirgundee(Vitex negundo) - 45.45mg
  • Methi Trigonella foenum graecum) - 45.45mg
  • Sunthee(Zingiber officinale)- 22.75mg
  • Maharasnadi (Generic preparation) - 90.90mg
  • Dashmooladi (Generic preparation) - 90.90mg
  • Shallaki (Boswellia serrata) - 45.45mg
  • Chopchinee (Rheum emodi) - 22.75mg
  • Shuddha Guggul (Balsamodendron mukul) - 45.45mg
  • Shuddha Laksha (Laccifer lacca) - 45.45mg
  • Asthishrunkhala (Vitis quadrangularis) - 45.45mg

Processed by the method of SIDDHA GHRUTA in:

  • Cow Milk – 500mg
  • Go-ghruta – 500mg


Take 2 soft gel capsules in the morning or as recommended by the physician.It should ideally be taken on empty stomach before meals. For better results it should be taken with with water or milk.


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