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Fairness Kesar Face Wash® Pomegranate , Kesar , Cucumber , Mint

Beauty Products, Brands, Herbal Products, Bőrápolás

Fairness Kesar Face Wash® - an instant skin pick-me-up that gives you a rejuvenated glow. The natural complexion- enhancing properties of Saffron, the nourishing properties of Pomegranate, the cooling properties of Mint and the soothing properties of Cucumber indulge and pamper your skin.

CsomagolásMegtakarítás Per tubus Ár Megrendelés
100ml × 3 csövekFt 7302.35Ft 3051.82 Ft 9155.46 Kosárhoz ad
100ml × 2 csövekFt 3651.17Ft 3660.35 Ft 7320.70 Kosárhoz ad
100ml × 1 tubusFt 5485.94 Ft 5485.94 Kosárhoz ad

Fairness Kesar Face Wash®

What is this herbal product?

Fairness Kesar Face Wash® - an instant skin pick-me-up that gives you a rejuvenated glow. The natural complexion- enhancing properties of Saffron, the nourishing properties of Pomegranate, the cooling properties of Mint and the soothing properties of Cucumber indulge and pamper your skin.

What it does:

Himalaya’s Fairness Kesar Face Wash is a soap-free, natural formulation that brightens and rejuvenates your skin, giving it a healthy, natural glow. Enriched with Kesar, proven for its complexion enhancing properties, this face wash gives you a fairer and clearer complexion. Pomegranate nourishes, Mint cools, and Cucumber soothes your skin, leaving it refreshed.

Key ingredients:

  • Kesar is a luxurious herb that has been used in skin care for centuries for a fairer, brighter complexion. The antibacterial property of Kesar kills bacteria, helping to treat infections.
  • Cucumber makes an excellent toner as it immediately tightens open pores. The abundant antioxidants in Cucumber rejuvenate the skin and leave it feeling soft and smooth.
  • Pomegranate is a rich source of polyphenols. It is reported to possess potent antioxidant and protective benefits against free radicals generated by the environment. Pomegranate softens, hydrates and nourishes the skin.
  • Mint is an antiseptic and an excellent skin cleanser. It soothes the skin, cures infections and alleviates itching. It is also an effective treatment for pimples and can be used for treating insect bites.

Directions for use:

Moisten face, apply a small quantity of Fairness Kesar Face Wash and gently work up a lather using a circular motion. Wash off and pat dry. Use twice daily.

Suitable for all skin types.


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