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  • Dermotic
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Dermotic® Clobetazole , Ofloxacin , Miconazole , Zinc


A Dermotic® bőrápoló clobetasolpropionate, miconazole nitrate és neomycin sulphate / ofloxaxcin tartalmaz. Védelmet nyújt a bakteriális és gombás fertőzések vagy vegyes bőrfertőzések ellen. Az atópiás dermatitisz bakteriális és gombás fertőzések által okozott szövődményei ellen is alkalmazható.

CsomagolásMegtakarítás Per üveg Ár Megrendelés
100ml × 5 palackokFt 82490.85Ft 9170.14 Ft 45850.68 Kosárhoz ad
100ml × 4 palackokFt 58657.31Ft 11003.98 Ft 44015.92 Kosárhoz ad
100ml × 3 palackokFt 40695.00Ft 12103.31 Ft 36309.92 Kosárhoz ad
100ml × 2 palackokFt 20164.02Ft 15586.29 Ft 31172.59 Kosárhoz ad
100ml × 1 üvegFt 25668.31 Ft 25668.31 Kosárhoz ad


What is this product

Dermotic Lotion contains clobetasol propionate, miconazole nitrate and neomycin sulphate/ofloxaxcin. It provides protection from bacterial and fungal infections or mixed dermatological infection. It is indicated in eczematous dermatosis complicated by bacterial and fungal infections.

Class: Antibiotics/Anti-fungal/Steroid

Indication / Uses:

Dermotic Lotion are indicated in dogs and cats for

  • Protection from bacterial and fungal infections:
  • Pyoderma, ringworm, surgical wounds
  • Bacterial and fungal infection, allergic dermatitis
  • Mixed dermal infection exhibiting inflammation and pruritus
  • Idiopathic wound
  • Wounds/Abrasions/Cuts/Burns
  • Eczematosis

Dosage and administration:

Apply locally twice daily on the affected area or as directed by the veterinarian.
For Topical Use / Dermatological Use only.

Overdoses / Side effects / Contraindications /Warnings:

Overdosage is unlikely to happen with topical applications. Contraindications and warnings have not been mentioned on the product label by the manufacture.

Pharmaceutical precautions / Instructions:

Keep in a cool dry and dark place. Protect from heat and light. For Lotion – shake well before use.

Safety: Age / Pregnancy/ Withdrawal:

Safety for use in young animals/ pregnant or lactating dogs/cats is not mentioned by the manufacturer. Always consult your veterinarian before using.

Habit forming:



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