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Anti Hair Fall Shampoo® Butea Frondosa , Bhringaraja

Beauty Products, Brands, Herbal Products

Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo® is a breakthrough 2-in-1 formula that reduces hair fall and provides nourishment to hair shafts. It also conditions and improves your hair texture to reduce hair fall due to breakage. The herbs Butea Frondosa and Bhringaraja stimulate hair follicle growth and are effective in strengthening hair roots and controlling hair fall.

CsomagolásMegtakarítás Per üveg Ár Megrendelés
100ml × 3 palackokFt 6935.40Ft 2440.23 Ft 7320.70 Kosárhoz ad
100ml × 2 palackokFt 3284.22Ft 3109.92 Ft 6219.84 Kosárhoz ad
100ml × 1 üvegFt 4752.03 Ft 4752.03 Kosárhoz ad

Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo®

What is this herbal product?

Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo® is a breakthrough 2-in-1 formula that reduces hair fall and provides nourishment to hair shafts. It also conditions and improves your hair texture to reduce hair fall due to breakage. The herbs Butea Frondosa and Bhringaraja stimulate hair follicle growth and are effective in strengthening hair roots and controlling hair fall.

Key ingredients:

  • Butea Frondosa or 'flame of the forest' is native to India and Southeast Asia. It strengthens hair and helps promote hair growth.

  • Bhringaraja is traditionally used in Ayurveda for hair growth and hair dyeing. It nourishes the hair root, improves hair texture and reduces hair fall.

Directions for use:

Gently massage the shampoo into wet hair and scalp. Leave for two to three minutes, and rinse thoroughly. Repeat if necessary.

Effective for all hair types. Safe to use on artificially colored or permed hair.


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