Növeli a szexuális vágyat, illetve vezetni, mely utólag javítja a szexuális teljesítményt. A nem hormonális bio stimulátor, ami növeli a szintet a természetes endogén tesztoszteron. Erősíti a pénisz szövet javítja a pénisz erekció, ami nagyon hasznos a merevedési zavar.
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Himplasia® reduces disturbing symptoms like frequent urination, difficulty in urination in older men, etc. It improves urinary flow and controls dribbling.
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Proscarehills tablets – prostate care formula. Ayurvedic Prostate Care tablets has the diuretic and lithontriptic properties of Gokshur, Varun and Pashanbhed. The product may help to regulate urinary tract functions & dissolve stones, thus promotes prostate health.
Nephro-protective, antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties of Kanchanar may help to promote healthy prostate size, maintain smooth urine flow, support urinary tract & kidney functions.
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Tentex forte® is a safe sexual stimulant in tablets, which is a herbal and based on an Ayurvedic formulation. Credited with multiple clinical trials and studies.
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Tentex royal® is a safe sexual stimulant in capsules, which is a herbal and based on an Ayurvedic formulation. Credited with multiple clinical trials and studies.
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Confido is a safe, non-hormonal ayurvedic formulation that acts on the higher centers of emotions in the brain and locally on the sex organs directly or indirectly. Confido reduces anxiety and calms the individual. By acting through the neuro-endocrine pathway, Confido regulates the process of ejaculation.
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Diabecon is an ayurvedic blend of over 30 herbs and minerals and provides gentle and safe glycemic control. It promotes glucose utilization and helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. It helps maintain healthy triglycerides and cholesterol levels. Diabecon supports healthy pancreatic functions and promotes beta cell regeneration. The main function of the pancreas is to produce insulin in just the right amount to maintain constant glucose levels in the body. Beta cells in the pancreas are responsible for producing insulin.
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Immune system supplements Imunohills has the immuno-modulatory properties of Amla, Guduchi, Pippali, Bhuiamlaki which help in improving body’s resistance power, thereby building healthy Immune system. Guduchi also known as potent Rasayana, which supports in improving body’s resistance power, helps increase the effectiveness of white blood cells and builds up the body’s immune system. The rejuvenating & detoxifying properties of Amla, Triphala, Gokshur provides repairs & may strengthen the body’s tissue thereby acts as an anti-ageing agent & improve vitality. It's a powerful antioxidant protection.
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Relieves painful/burning urination. The anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Renalka soothe the inflamed mucosa, and alleviate the burning sensation or pain that occurs during urination.
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Speman is a premier Herbal formulation which helps to improve the problems associated with the male reproductive system. The herbs present in this medicine has manifold functions. It not only helps to promote a healthy LH-FSH hormone level but also helps to support the normal basophil cells in the pituitary gland. This is a rejuvenating tonic which has provided hope to several couples. Along with boosting vitality, it also helps in maintaining healthy sperm production and tones up the male reproductive system.
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Válaszom az 1. kérdésre: Megkaptam-e a rendelt orvosságokat?
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Válaszom a 2. kérdésre: A gyógyszer elérte-e az előzetes elvárásaimat?
A válaszom ismét csak igen kell, hogy legyen! Továbbá eléggé meggyőző volt a weboldaluk is, mely az Egyesült Állomokon kívüli rendelésről is mindent elmagyarázott, ezen felül az indiai laborban gyártott gyógyszerről, a vámeljárásról és a rendelésleadásról is rengeteg hasznos információt találtam.
- Sándor