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H - Hadjod, Haloperidol, Haridra, Haritaki Vegie, Harvoni, Hemeliv, Hemohills, Hepamust, Hepcinat, Hepcinat Lp

  • Hadjod®


    Hadjod ensures early ossification (bone formation) and fortifies bone tensile strength, which accelerate fracture healing. Hadjod increases bone mineral density by stimulating bone metabolism and increasing the uptake of minerals calcium,phosphorus,sulfur and strontium by osteoblasts. The action is also helpful in preventing osteoporosis-related fractures. Relieves pain and inflammation: It relieves pain and inflammation associated with fractures.
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    kr 1.98
  • Haloperidol


    Haldol (haloperidol) brukes til å behandle visse psykiske/humørsykdommer (f.eks schizofreni, schizoaffektive lidelser). Denne medisinen hjelper deg å tenke tydeligere, føle deg mindre nervøs og ta del i hverdagen. Det kan også bidra til å forhindre selvmord hos mennesker som sannsynligvis vil skade seg selv. Det reduserer også aggresjon og ønsket om å skade andre. Det kan redusere negative tanker og hallusinasjoner.) Haloperidol kan også brukes til å behandle ukontrollerte bevegelser og utbrudd av ord/lyder relatert til Tourettes syndrom.
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    kr 3.91
  • Haridra


    Haridra (Turmeric/Curcuma longa) is a vital herb in Ayurvedic medicine, whose spice form can be recognized by its dazzling yellow color. The rhizome of the herb, used either fresh or dried, has a host of medicinal benefits. It acts as a carminative and also enhances the complexion and skin tone. Apart from that, Haridra can be used to combat liver damage, respiratory disorders and ulcers.
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    kr 1.80
  • Haritaki Vegie®

    Haritaki Vegie

    Haritaki has active ingredient tannin which stimulates evacuation of the bowels- can be defined as a mild form of laxative action. It may help improve digestion, promote the absorption of nutrients, and regulate colon function.This has been backed up with numerous modern scientific studies demonstrating the positive effect of its component herb to provide astringent, laxative, anti oxidant and rejuvenative effect.
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    kr 2.17
  • Harvoni


    Ledipasvir og sofosbuvir er et kombinasjonsmedisin som brukes til å behandle kronisk hepatitt c hos voksne og barn over 3 år. Ledipasvir og sofosbuvir gis noen ganger i kombinasjon med et annet legemiddel kalt ribavirin. Ledipasvir og sofosbuvir behandler spesifikke genotyper av hepatitt C, og bare hos enkelte personer.
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    kr 119.27
  • Hemeliv®


    Hemeliv syrup provides supplemental iron in combination with cobalt, a co-factor in Vitamin B12 synthesis and Silymarin. For Dogs and Cats, Hemeliv acts as a hematinic to aid in the prevention and treatment of nutritional deficiency. It improves liver health and functioning and aids in the elimination of systemic toxins.
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    kr 216.76
  • Hemohills®


    Ayurvedic blood cleanser formula hemohills has blood purifying, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial & anti-inflammatory properties of Manjishtha, Sariva, Neem, Kumari, which are helpful in blood purification.Laxative properties of Triphala, Balharde are effective in colon cleansing & detoxifying blood. The rejuvenating properties of Punarnava may help in skin disorders. All these properties makes this formula as an excellent blood purifier
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    kr 2.17
  • Hepamust®


    Hepamust syrup is a highly palatable liver tonic that contains 15 unique herbs. Silybum marianum helps in promoting hepatic tissue regeneration. Tinospora cardifolia exerts protective action against toxins. Phyllanthus niuri protects liver cells from oxidative stress. Hepamust syrup is helpful in the management of idiopathic liver disorders, anorexia, debility, etc. It’s also helpful in promoting rich hair coats and healthy skin in pets.
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    kr 227.60
  • Hepcinat®


    Hepcinat - inneholder Sofosbuvir 400mg, den nyeste stoffet er utviklet av det Indiske selskapet Natco Pharma med hjelp av high-tech utstyr, med alle de nodvendige standarder og krav. Stoffet brukes til a behandle kronisk hepatitt C. Behandling med sofosbuvir er brukt i et kompleks med andre antivirals i lopet av en 'uten interferon behandling" i nesten alle ledende klinikker rundt om i verden, siden dette stoffet, som har gjennomgatt en rekke kliniske og laboratoriestudier, viste gode resultater. Effektiviteten av det nye stoffet for ulike genotypes av viruset er 92-96%.
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    kr 464.70
  • Hepcinat® LP

    Hepcinat Lp

    Hepcinat LP er et flott middel for Hepatitt "C". Ledipasvir i kombinasjon med sofosbuvir former nødvendig for komplisert for behandling av hepatitt C. Nå bare ett stoff som er nødvendig for å stoppe virus og eliminere sin videre spredning. Hepcinat lp er et unikt stoff som kombinerer egenskapene til lepidavir og sofosbuvir, som kan undertrykke på en gang to typer proteiner som er involvert i spredning av hepatitt C-viruset i kroppen, disse er de NS5A og NS5B polymerases.
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    kr 271.08
  • Herbal antibiotic®

    Herbal Antibiotic

    Organic India’s Herbal Antibiotic® is a natural broad spectrum plant based antibiotic and blood purifier. Herbal Antibiotic® fights bacterial, viral and fungal infections throughout the body & skin. It is also effective against candida and parasites. The ORGANIC INDIA Herbal antibiotic capsules are prescribed in case of all types of viral, bacterial & fungal infections throughout the body, parasites, candida, acne, upper-respiratory and skin infections, acute and chronic UTI, gingivitis, oral ulcers.
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    kr 3.31
  • Heximar® Ointment

    Heximar Ointment

    Heximar® Salve er et syntetisk vitamin D-derivat brukt til behandling av plakkpsoriasis hos voksne og barn over 6 år. Dette senker veksthastighet av hudceller, og dermed kontrollerer psoriasis. Den kan bli brukt alene eller i kombinasjon med andre legemidler.
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    kr 422.78
  • Hiforce® delay

    Hiforce Delay

    Hiforce® trenbolon delay spray er en premium spray reseptfri medisin oppfunnet for å behandle det vanlige mannlige problemet med tidlig utløsning. Den inneholder lidocaine som fungerer som lokalbedøvelse med en veldig mild bedøvende effekt. Ved å redusere følsomheten kan menn ha langvarig sex. Siden følelsen er mild, kompromitteres ikke seksuell nytelse. Dette legemidlet er trygt, effektivt og enkelt å bruke. Bare spray den på penis 1-4 ganger, gni den i en sirkulær bevegelse på området, og la den holde seg i 15 minutter.
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    kr 108.33
  • Himcal Pet Suspension®

    Himcal Pet Suspension

    Himcal for pets contains calcium and phosphorus derived from oyster shell. Calcium and phosphorus are present in the ratio of 1: 0. 8 as recommended by association of american feed control officials (Aafco). Himcal pet is quickly absorbed and utilized inside the body. Its unique milky flavor is well-liked by pets. It provides bone density and strength.
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    kr 270.98
  • Himcolin gel

    Himcolin Gel

    Himcolin gel is a proprietary herbal Ayurvedic formulation. Himcolin gel is a powerful cream that is applied topically to promote blood flow to the groin area and penile tissue. It helps in vasodilation of the penile tissue to allow for stronger erections. It increases staying power and prolongs ejaculation time. Himcolin gel also helps to soothe and moisturize.
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    kr 108.25
  • Himplasia®


    Himplasia® reduces disturbing symptoms like frequent urination, difficulty in urination in older men, etc. It improves urinary flow and controls dribbling.
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    kr 3.31
  • Himpyrin®


    Himpyrin is a natural antipyretic that prevents the synthesis of prostaglandins. The action reduces fever in pets. The drug also alleviates pain by preventing the release of pain transmitters. Contains Tinospora Gulancha (Guduchi) which strengthens the immune system and builds the body’s resistance against infections and Sweet Flag (Vacha) which improves blood circulation and alleviates swelling.
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    kr 270.98
  • Hiowna-jr Chocolate®

    Hiowna-jr Chocolate

    Hiowna-jr Chocolate® - balanced nutritional supplement to improve physical, mental and immune development in children.
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    kr 189.49
  • Hiowna-jr Vanilla®

    Hiowna-jr Vanilla

    Hiowna-jr Vanilla® - balanced nutritional supplement to improve physical, mental and immune development in children.
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    kr 189.49
  • Holy Basil Vegie®

    Holy Basil Vegie

    Holy Basil is revered as a sacred plant in Ayurveda, the ancient traditional herbal system of India. Holy Basil has more recently been shown to possess powerful adaptogenic properties with the ability to enhance the body's healthy response to normal daily life stress.* In addition, scientific studies have demonstrated that Holy Basil may support healthy carbohydrate metabolism and normal glucose management.It helps body adapt to daily life stress, supports normal carbohydrate metabolism.
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    kr 2.17
  • Honey And Cream Soap®

    Honey And Cream Soap

    Honey and cream soap® is enriched with the goodness of milk that nourishes and moisturizes, and extracts of Honey that soothe and hydrate, Cream & Honey Soap keeps skin soft and supple.
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    kr 54.04
  • Hydralazine


    Hydralazine is a vasodilator that works by relaxing the muscles in your blood vessels to help them dilate (widen). This lowers blood pressure and allows blood to flow more easily through your veins and arteries. Hydralazine is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension).
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    kr 5.72
  • Hydroquinone Topical

    Hydroquinone Topical

    Hydroquinone topisk (for huden) brukes til å lysne områder av mørk hud som fregner, aldersflekker, melasma (solskader) eller chloasma (mørk hud forårsaket av hormonelle endringer).
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    kr 238.45
  • Hydroxychloroquine


    Hydroxychloroquine brukes også til å behandle symptomer på revmatoid artritt og discoid eller systemisk lupus erythematosus.
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    kr 8.13
  • Hygroton


    Hygroton (сhlortalidone) is a diuretic medication used to treat high blood pressure, swelling including that due to heart failure, liver failure, and nephrotic syndrome, insipid diabetes, and renal tubular acidosis.
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    kr 5.42
  • Hytrin


    Generic Hytrin is used for treating high blood pressure and treating signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
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    kr 13.55
  • Hyzaar


    Generic Hyzaar is used for treating high blood pressure. It may be used to decrease the risk of stroke in certain patients with high blood pressure.
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    kr 10.37


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