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Generisk Daclatasvir - Daklinza, Natdac, Hepcinat, Myhep, Sofovir

  • Daklinza


    Generisk Daklinza er en antiviral medisin som forebygger hepatitt C­virus (HCV) fra å formere seg i kroppen din. Daclatasvir brukes til å behandle genotype 3 kronisk hepatitt C hos voksne uten cirrhose. Denne medisinen gis ofte sammen med et annet lgemiddel kalt sofosbuvir.
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    kr 154.89
  • Natdac®


    Natdac® is an inhibitor of the viral (hepatitis C virus) protein NS5A, which is used in the replication of hepatitis C virus within the liver cells (hepatocytes) and, thus, prevents the virus from entering infected hepatocytes into the blood. Thanks to this action, it is possible to prevent the spread of the virus in the body. Natdac® (daсlatasvir) is a highly specific direct action agent against hepatitis C virus (HCV) and has no pronounced activity against other RNA and DNA containing viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Natdac®, as an inhibitor of the nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A), a multifunctional protein required for HCV replication, suppresses two stages of the life cycle of the virus-viral RNA replication and virion assembly.
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    kr 87.12
  • Hepcinat®


    Hepcinat - inneholder Sofosbuvir 400mg, den nyeste stoffet er utviklet av det Indiske selskapet Natco Pharma med hjelp av high-tech utstyr, med alle de nodvendige standarder og krav. Stoffet brukes til a behandle kronisk hepatitt C. Behandling med sofosbuvir er brukt i et kompleks med andre antivirals i lopet av en 'uten interferon behandling" i nesten alle ledende klinikker rundt om i verden, siden dette stoffet, som har gjennomgatt en rekke kliniske og laboratoriestudier, viste gode resultater. Effektiviteten av det nye stoffet for ulike genotypes av viruset er 92-96%.
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    kr 464.70
  • Myhep®


    Myhep® - sofosbuvir 400mg - is used to treat chronic hepatitis C as a component of a combined antiviral therapy regimen in adult patients in combination with other medications. Myhep® is a direct-acting antiviral that inhibits the RNA-dependent NS5B polymerase of the hepatitis C virus, which is essential for viral replication. Myhep® is a drug manufactured by Mylan Pharmaceuticals, based in India. All the products of this company are produced on modern equipment of a large plant built according to all norms and regulations of the World Health Organization.
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    kr 458.89
  • Sofovir®


    Sofovir® is an Indian registered licensed analog of Sovaldi (Sofosbuvir). It is an inhibitor of the NS5B polymerase of hepatitis C virus (HCV) that contains 400mg of the active substance Sofosbuvir. It is used to treat chronic hepatitis C as a component of a combined antiviral therapy regimen in adults. Sofovir® can be used by patients who have not been treated before or who have had unsuccessful experience in the treatment of hepatitis C. Good efficacy has been shown with concomitant serious liver pathologies like cirrhosis and HIV infection.
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    kr 441.46


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