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Generiek Carprofen - Carodyl, Cartail

  • Carodyl®


    Carodyl - Carprofen Chewable Tablets, used to help alleviate the symptoms of canine arthritis in geriatric dogs. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug which may also be used to reduce swelling and pain after medical procedures such as neutering or spaying. It can be used on a short term basis or for daily relief from conditions more chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, and varying joint deterioration. It may also be used to help reduce post-operative discomfort after surgical procedures. The Amount of the active ingredient may vary: 75 or 100mg.
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    € 0.69
  • Cartail®


    Cartail - kauwtabletten, bevatten carprofen, een niet-steroïdale anti-inflammatoire drug (NSAID) gebruikt om artrose bij honden te behandelen om pijn en ontsteking te helpen beheren.
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    € 1.84


  • Bedankt voor uw follow-up, Ik heb de pillen inderdaad ontvangen en heb ze ook al geprobeerd. Ik ben zeer tevreden, en mijn vriendin ook.
    Bedankt - Thomas

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