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Tribulus Vegie® Tribulus Extract

Herbal Products, Mannen's Health

Tribulus Vegie Capsules - Revitaliser Tribulus (gokshur) is considered to be diuretic and aphrodisiac. Each capsule contains 100 mg Tribulus Powder and 250 mg of extract (as dry extract) from Tribulus whole plant (Tribulus terrestris) (7:1) (equivalent to 1750 mg of Tribulus whole plant). When assayed these capsules contain Saponin NLT 14.3%. In Ayurveda it is included in "Shukrayanan" family, i.e. the one responsible for healthy sperms. Its aphrodisiac property helps in increasing the sperm count & improving sperm parameters. Tribulus Vegie Capsules are considered to have proven spermatogenetic action, considered to have aphrodisiac properties.

PakketBesparingen Per capsule Prijs Bestelling
1mg × 180 capsules€ 77.23€ 0.18 € 33.15 Voeg aan winkelwagen toe
1mg × 120 capsules€ 45.97€ 0.23 € 27.62 Voeg aan winkelwagen toe
1mg × 60 capsules€ 13.79€ 0.38 € 23.01 Voeg aan winkelwagen toe
1mg × 30 capsules€ 0.61 € 18.40 Voeg aan winkelwagen toe

Tribulus Vegie Capsules

Tribulus Vegie Capsules - Revitaliser Tribulus (gokshur) is considered to be diuretic and aphrodisiac. Each capsule contains 100 mg Tribulus Powder and 250 mg of extract (as dry extract) from Tribulus whole plant (Tribulus terrestris) (7:1) (equivalent to 1750 mg of Tribulus whole plant). When assayed these capsules contain Saponin NLT 14.3%. In Ayurveda it is included in "Shukrayanan" family, i.e. the one responsible for healthy sperms. Its aphrodisiac property helps in increasing the sperm count & improving sperm parameters. Tribulus Vegie Capsules are considered to have proven spermatogenetic action, considered to have aphrodisiac properties.

Physician’s advice should be taken before consuming any herbal supplements.

Benefits :

  • Helps Support urinary tract function.
  • Supports proper functions of the urinary tract and prostate
  • Supports normal urine flow
  • May help to increase body's natural testosterone level
  • May help to boost your libido
  • May help improve quality of sperms

Safety Information:

Pregnant or lactating women are advised to consume Herbal Products under advise of the Healthcare Practitioner. Store in a cool dry place. Keep out of reach of children. Protect from sunlight.




Gokshur extract, Gokshur powder


As a dietary supplement take 1 capsule twice daily preferably after meals. For better results it should be taken with warm water.


These statements have not been evaluated by the food & drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure o prevent any disease


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