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Bonnispaz® Bishop’s Weed , Caraway , Ginger

Brands, Trato Gastrointestinal, Herbal Products

Bonnispaz® - an unique herbal medicine recommended for spasms and colic in infants. Safe, herbal and doctor-recommended phytopharmaceutical.

EmbalagemPoupança Por frasco Preço Encomenda
15ml × 5 frascos€ 30.24€ 4.05 € 20.24 Adicionar ao carrinho
15ml × 4 frascos€ 21.99€ 4.60 € 18.40 Adicionar ao carrinho
15ml × 3 frascos€ 13.74€ 5.52 € 16.55 Adicionar ao carrinho
15ml × 2 frascos€ 5.49€ 7.35 € 14.71 Adicionar ao carrinho
15ml × 1 garrafa€ 10.10 € 10.10 Adicionar ao carrinho


What is this herbal product?

Bonnispaz® - an unique herbal medicine recommended for spasms and colic in infants. Safe, herbal and doctor-recommended phytopharmaceutical.

What it does:

Combats colic: Bonnispaz relieves smooth muscle spasms associated with colic, protects the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa and expels gas from the GI tract. It has antispasmodic and carminative properties, which alleviate abdominal colic and flatulence. Bonnispaz also restores the normal functioning of the digestive tract.


  • Infantile colic of various etiologies like indigestion and milk intolerance
  • Flatulence and abdominal bloating

Key ingredients:

Ayurveda texts and modern research back the following facts:

Volatile oils from the herb Caraway (Krishnajiraka), carvone and limoline are helpful in relieving bloating, abdominal fullness and other symptoms of flatulence. Caraway’s mucoprotective properties are responsible for decreased stomach acid output and increased mucin secretion, which protect the gastrointestinal tract.

Bishop’s Weed (Yavani) is an antispasmodic due to its anticholinergic property (reduces spasms of the smooth muscle). It is also a carminative that reduces flatulence.

Ginger (Sunthi) is a potent carminative that supports the normal functioning of the GI tract. The herb also exhibits anti-nausea and digestive stimulant properties. Ginger is known to stop diarrhea and improve digestion.

Directions for use:

Please consult your physician or pediatrician to prescribe the dosage that best suits for infant or child.

Available as drops.

Side effects:

Bonnispaz is not known to have any side effects if taken as per the prescribed dosage.


  • Carlos X Meu amigo.É com extrema alegria que lhes comunico que desta vez minha compra chegou ate mim. Talvez fosse o meu primeiro endereço o problema, mas de qualquer forma chegou.Me tornarei um cliente da sua loja a partir de hoje e minha satisfação é tanta que até me esqueço da demora.Na próxima compra, quero receber no endereço que lhes mandei da última vez.Muito obrigado e desculpa se alguma vez lhes faltei com respeito em minhas palavras.Eu e minha esposa agradecemos, e, termino por aqui pois ela esta me chamando,kkkkk.Obrigado.Carlos Herivelto dos Santos.

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