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Sugar-Balance® Bimbi , Sadabahar , Bougainvillea

Diabetes, Herbal Products

Organic India Sugar Balance capsules are a natural blend of chemical free herbs, which help lower blood sugar levels, delay absorption of dietary sugars and improve insulin utilization. These completely herbal and organic capsules provide a healthy supplement to manage sugar levels in diabetics as well as those who have high sugar levels. Regular use of these capsules also prevent complications related with diabetes such as eye, kidney or heart related disorders.

PakkausSäästöt Per kapseli Hinta Tilaus
1mg × 180 kapselit€ 33.44€ 0.29 € 52.65 Lisää ostoskoriin
1mg × 120 kapselit€ 14.33€ 0.36 € 43.07 Lisää ostoskoriin
1mg × 60 kapselit€ 0.48 € 28.70 Lisää ostoskoriin

Sugar-Balance® herbal capsules

What is this herbal medicine?

Organic India Sugar Balance capsules are a natural blend of chemical free herbs, which help lower blood sugar levels, delay absorption of dietary sugars and improve insulin utilization. These completely herbal and organic capsules provide a healthy supplement to manage sugar levels in diabetics as well as those who have high sugar levels. Regular use of these capsules also prevent complications related with diabetes such as eye, kidney or heart related disorders.


Manage your diabetes and sugar levels with regular use of Organic India Sugar Balance capsules. These herbal capsules can be continued with your modern chemical based sugar and diabetes based pills as well.


  • hyperglycemia
  • poor carbohydrate metabolism


1-2 capsules with food and water twice daily for at least 3 months or as directed by your health care provider. Safe for long term use.


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