Tulasi (Holy Basil/Ocimum sanctum) is a sacred plant in Hinduism. In Sanskrit, Tulasi means ‘the incomparable one’. In the Ayurvedic tradition, Tulasi is used to support normal respiratory function, promote optimal health and longevity.
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Tulasi (Holy Basil/Ocimum sanctum) is a sacred plant in Hinduism. In Sanskrit, Tulasi means ‘the incomparable one’. In the Ayurvedic tradition, Tulasi is used to support normal respiratory function, promote optimal health and longevity.
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FreshCoat® No Rinse Spray is perfect for between baths. All you have to do is spray it on the coat and brush, it cleans, deodorizes and detangles. Its key ingredients include Jambira (a natural deodorizer), Tulasi (a herbal antiseptic) and Ushira (has insect repelling properties). This formula leaves your pet's coat smelling great and refreshed! It is especially useful for young puppies that cannot have baths yet.
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Bresol Syrup® - a potent herbal combination of Tulasi, Vasaka and Haridra. Bresol is an Ayurvedic medicine for chronic respiratory disorders, allergies.
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Koflet Syrup® - an Ayurvedic cough reliever, made from a numer of well known herbs in Ayurveda, like Tulasi and Vasaka. The herbal is also credited with immunity boosting properties.
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