Сlarina Anti-Acne Face Wash gel® prevents excess sebum production and addresses the root cause of acne. It is enriched with herbal ingredients.
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Clarina Anti-Acne kit® prevents excess sebum production and addresses the root cause of acne. It is enriched with herbal ingredients.
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Talekt Syrup® contains unique herbal ingredients. It offers potent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activities effective against different types of skin infections.
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Anti-Dandruff Hair oil® - an effective herbal oil that prevents dandruff by eliminating microbial infections of the scalp. It is enriched with Kayaputi (Tea Tree) Oil, a powerful anti-dandruff agent and Nimba (Neem), which treats scalp infections and relieves dryness and itching.
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I received a partial shipment yesterday.
The pills have always worked very well...as expected.
That's why I ordered from you again this year...just like last year.
In fact, yours work better than the 50 mg brand name pills I still have!!
An since your pills are scored (unlike the brand name ones that I have to use a knife
to split),
I can easily lower the dosage to 25 mg...which is all I need.
Thank you for a great product at a reasonable price!