Almond And Rose Soap® - a daily use soap that moisturizes and soothes skin. The goodness of Almond nourishes and moisturizes, while Rose extracts cool and revitalize the skin.
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Anti-Hair Fall Hair Oil® prevents hair fall and stimulates hair growth. It is enriched with the goodness of Bhringaraja and Amalaki which strengthen the root shafts and prevent hair fall.
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Anti-Dandruff Hair oil® - an effective herbal oil that prevents dandruff by eliminating microbial infections of the scalp. It is enriched with Kayaputi (Tea Tree) Oil, a powerful anti-dandruff agent and Nimba (Neem), which treats scalp infections and relieves dryness and itching.
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L’huile de saumon Beaphar pour chiens et chats contient des huiles oméga-3 et -6, qui sont une bonne source d’acides gras essentiels tels que l’EPA et le DHA. Ces acides gras sont bénéfiques pour le système cardiovasculaire de votre animal. Il contribue également à la flexibilité des articulations et maintient un état de peau sain. L’huile de saumon est fortement recommandée pour les chiens très actifs tels que les chiens de sauvetage, de sport, de chasse, etc.
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Oil Clear Lemon Face Wash® - is a soap-free, herbal formulation that gently cleanses your face and removes excess oil. Blended with Lemon, an astringent and cooling agent, and Honey, which has natural, deep cleansing properties, the face wash leaves your skin clean without feeling dry and stretched. Key ingredients: Lemon has an overall soothing and relaxing effect. Citric acid present in lemon lightens and softens your skin. It also helps fade freckles, age spots and eliminates blackheads. Lemon removes grime and dirt and leaves your skin supple and smooth. Honey is very beneficial for the skin as it can attract water to maintain moisture as well as provide nourishment to the skin. It is also a natural antiseptic as it contains antimicrobial agents that kill bacteria.
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Oil Control Lemon Foaming Face Wash® is a soap-free, herbal formulation that gently cleanses your face and removes excess oil. Blended with Lemon, an astringent and cooling agent, and Honey, which has natural, deep cleansing properties, the face wash leaves your skin clean without feeling dry and stretched.
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je voulais juste dire merci pour votre service rapide et efficace.. Les comprimés sont bien arrivés dans de délai imparti.. J'ai transmis votre
adresse, je ne sais pas si elle a déjà été utilisée ou pas..
Bien Cordialement... et bonne ST Patrick pour les Irlandais de France..
- Michel